Porn Stars Watching Porn w/ Normal People

We found some men to watch porn with porn stars and it got a little steamy!
Some of the men were actually familiar with the porn stars they were sitting next to.
Regardless, they were a little out of their comfort zones, in more ways than one.
Right off the bat, the men couldn’t stop complimenting the porn stars!
But there was some confusion, too.
Ultimately, it was a fun experience for all!
And by the end of the “screening” they had all learned a lot!
Mostly, that porn stars say “pee pee!”
But the day wasn’t over yet! Next, we found some women to watch porn with the stars:
The women were interested in the porn stars’ relationships with their co-stars.
They were also totally in awe of the size of the penises involved!
Actually, they were totally in awe in general!
This woman wanted to know if porn stars ever watch their own films for pleasure and got a pretty candid answer!
But ultimately, the porn stars felt more awkward than the women.
Hey, if you’re going to watch porn with someone else, it might as well be the person in the video!
BuzzFeed Motion Pictures Staff